Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The United Kingdom 101 part 5

This blog is what i believe is the solution to the U.K's problem with racism and Torture.

I believe that is best that U.K recruit other countries law enforcement. To have the maximum security possible in the U.K. Also promote advertisement campaign promoting racism and torture is bad. That way we educate the people in the U.K. If we keep a constantly promoting racism is bad people willl hopefully stop being racist.

As for torture we can promote an advertisement campaign to promote the 5th law of the Declaration of the Human rights saying no one should be torture just because they think differently. Now you can ask yourself, what do i get in return for helping your country? Well if the United Nation helps the U.K, the United Kingdom will give your country our troops for support for when your at war and provide trading for your country.

So would you please help end racism and torture in the U.K?

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