Friday, April 15, 2011

Human Rights Nomination

  1. Suadan and its rights- Jalimar
    We must take action for what is going in Sudan.
  2. Cuba Solution's- Gionavanni
    War is bad. that pretty much say we gotta help.
  3. Tibet- Yvette
    Tibet is own country not China.
  4. Mexico- Angelica
    Its time for Latin America to have a successful country.
  5. Japan- Juan Jose
    Sexism is bad.
  6. Libya- Noel
    Using military force with government is wrong.
  7. Tsunia- Adrianna
    We can't have poeple being lazy.
  8. Yemen- Yeleshika
    No one wants to be poor and homeless.
  9. India- Shamrimar
    We do need education.
  10. Bangladesh-Geodaliz
    It somewhat has the same problem that U.K has which is toture.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The United Kingdom 101 part 5

This blog is what i believe is the solution to the U.K's problem with racism and Torture.

I believe that is best that U.K recruit other countries law enforcement. To have the maximum security possible in the U.K. Also promote advertisement campaign promoting racism and torture is bad. That way we educate the people in the U.K. If we keep a constantly promoting racism is bad people willl hopefully stop being racist.

As for torture we can promote an advertisement campaign to promote the 5th law of the Declaration of the Human rights saying no one should be torture just because they think differently. Now you can ask yourself, what do i get in return for helping your country? Well if the United Nation helps the U.K, the United Kingdom will give your country our troops for support for when your at war and provide trading for your country.

So would you please help end racism and torture in the U.K?

Monday, April 11, 2011

The United Kingdom 101 part 4

This next topic is going to be about the Human rights Issues in the U.K

Sure you look at the U.K as a beautiful, tea drinking, Beatlemania, home to the Heavy Metal Gods and the queen country. But like most countries they aren't always perfect. You have to admit that each country has a dark side. In the case of the U.K is that they violate some human right issues.

One of the thing that U.K is doing that is breaking the rules is that there torturing people. If you don't know or understand what is torture let me tell you. Torture is the idea to inflict pain to force them to do or say some kind of information. The reason for is must be racism(which is some i will write about it later.) They think there nothing wrong with it and there protecting there people to prevent terrorist attacks like 9/11.

Another thing that U.K has done that is wrong in the Human rights is racism. Racism is nothing new its been around for a long time. Unfortunately racism still goes including in the U.K. In 1993 a survey they had done in the U.K shown that 10% percent of ethnic minority suffered racism 24% physical assaults, 17% threats, and 64% percent verbal abuse.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The United Kingdom 101 part 3

This 3rd is about the history of The U.K which will take you all the way from the Beginning. So let's get started . KEEP IN MIND that yes i skip a few thing that are also important but there SO MUCH that i just looked for the IMPORTANT and INTERESTING FACTS.

Pre U.K-
500,000- It was the most early history of people moving to the U.K
6,500- There was a land bridged that connect it U.K to Europe, but unfortunately a major flood came that caused the U.K to be an island.
3,000-Stone Age begins.
2,100- Bronze Age begins.
2,000- Stonehenge is completed

750-Iron Age begins.

Romans/U.K Area
43- Rome invades the U.K and becomes a part of the Roman Empire.
50- London is founded
70- Rome Conquers Wales.
401-410- The Romans left Britain by choice.

Anglo-Saxon Area
450-750-U.K is invaded by Jutes, Angles and Saxon. Britain is divided into 7 different Kingdoms (Northumbia,Mercia,Wessex,Essex,Sussex and Kent)
460- St.Patrick converts Ireland.
779-Mercia becomes the Supreme Kingdom.

Viking Area
793- Vikings invade the U.K

871- King Alfred defeat the Viking but let them settle in Eastern England
926- Danelaw is conquered by the Saxons.
1016- King Canute gets the English Crown
1055- Westminster Abby is completed.

The Middle Ages
1066- The Battle of Stamford Bridge
1078- Starting to build the London Clock Tower.
1167- Oxford University opened
1170- London Population expanded more then 30,000.
1215- The Magna is signed.
1337-1453- 100 year War with France.
1348-49- The Black Death comes nearly wipes out half a million people.
1453- 100 year of War  is over.
1455- The War of Roses Begins.

1485-  The war of Roses end with Henry VII as king.
1497- John Cabot discovers North America.
1509-1547- Henry VII is the king

1534- Henry VIII creates the church of England.
1555- Elizabeth I start her 45 reign.
1591- First performance of William Shakespeare first play.
1600- The East India Company is created.

Victorian Area
1837- Queen Victoria becomes Queen at age 18.
1845-1849- Great Potato Famine.
1850- First post box has been built.
1854- Crimean War (U.K vs Russia)
1856- U.K win against Russia
1870- Education Act (school for everybody yeah!!!!!!!! not really =/ )
1871- Victoria opens the Royal Albert Hall.

1877- Electricity comes to London.
1887- The gramophone is invented.
1901- Population it was 40 million.

Modern U.K
1914-1918- WWI
1920- Republic of Ireland get its independence.
1939-1945- WWII
1952- Elizabeth II is the Queen.
1979- Margaret Thatcher becomes the first female prime minister------------>
2003- England wins the Rugby world cup.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The United Kingdom 101 part 2
Language: English (Kinds of English)
30% of Scotland 
20% of Welsh
10% of Irish
2,000 to 3,000 of Cornish

Cultural holiday that found odd for us Puerto Ricans:

Twefth night
Plough Monday

Candlemas day

ST David's day

ST. George's day

May day
Rochester Sweep Festival

Trooping of the Colour

Edinburgh Festival
Notting Hill Carnival

Harvest Festival

Bonfire Night
Rememberance Day
St.Andrew's Day

Boxing Day



Music. The thing that make U.K unique because it like the birthplace of Rock n Roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The United Kingdom 101 part 1

This a basic overall info of the U.K

Location: Western Europe, island. Between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. Northwest of France.

Geography: Rugged hills and small mountains.

Population: 62,698,362

Government: Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth

Religion: Christian 71.6%, Muslim 2.7% , Hindu 1% and other 1.6%

Birth Rates: 12.29 births

Death Rates: 9.33 deaths

Life Expectancy: 80.05 years

Ethnic groups: White 92%, Black 2%, Indian 1.8%, Pakistanis 1.3%, Mixed 1.2%, Other 1.6%

Suffrage: 18 years old for everybody

Legal System: Based on common laws of Romans and touch of modern continents.

 Unemployment Rate: 7.9%

 Population Below Poverty Line: 14%

 Industries: Machines tools, Electric power equipment, All types of parts of vehicles, Paper, Textile, Clothing, Metal and other consumer goods. Just to name a few.

Communications: 80.375 millions use telephones and 51.444 millions use the internet.

Military Service: Must be citizen of the U.K or Republic of Ireland to join the military.

 Transnational Issues: U.K has problem with Spain to reject "shared sovereignty". UK created the largest Marine protecting Chagos island and prohibiting extraction of any natural resources.

Friday, April 1, 2011

ANRCHY IN THE U.K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I CALL DIBS/SHOTGUN ON THE UNITED KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 minutes later........... i just got THE U.K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!